The trajectory will only change when the vision changes...
What I Intend To Do
- I will reinvigorate the California Republican Party and bringmore people and entities to the table.
- Maintain the relationships with National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the State Assembly and State Senate Republican caucuses, so that we continue the partnerships and build on them.
- Initiate a robust ballot harvesting training program.
- Convince the grassroots to trust and believe in the California Republican Party. We all want the same thing, and I promise we can get on the path to success over 10 years, with incremental success along the way. We need their partnership.
- Develop the plan to become relevant in California again, i.e., winning State Assembly and State Senate seats in Sacramento again. The plan would include:
- Communicating with and visiting whenever possible, each Central Committee and Volunteer Organization, and renew our relationship with them. I would encourage each to set specific and realistic goals, helping them to smartly define them when neccessary. I would help them to measure incremental success, build on it, and offer assistance where possible.
- I will visit businesses, trade associations, and other entities with the message that the California Republican Party is coming back, especially to change the course that Sacremento has had us on for the 2 decades. I would ask for them to support the effort, especially through contributions.
- Using the last election cycle as an example when we had a "dream team" of candidates running for Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Controller, Superintendent, and Insurance Commissioner, take them around the state to important constituencies like corporations, trade associations, and the like and show them how we can improve California if they support the election of competent candidates for the office.
Within the Republican Party, our biggest problem is internal battles. I will do everything I can to get people to focus on winning our external battles.